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Resources: Braided Meetings

Braided Meetings are an extraordinarily effective use of time, because everybody is contributing continuously.

In a half hour traditional meeting with four people, you get half an hour of output, probably dominated by the two loudest individuals. In the same half hour with Braiding you get two hours of output, 30 minutes from each person.

That’s four times more output overall.

Also, the Braided Meetings output is balanced, including inputs from everybody, so will almost certainly be more valuable.

On average a Braided Meeting is eight times more efficient than the same meeting in a traditional format.

The agenda is always visible to all participants as it is shown in the Braid titles so the meeting will effortlessly stick to the planned agenda. It will also always finish on time. And as Braided Meetings is a written format you get a full written record of the meeting and nobody has to take minutes.

Braided Meetings are also highly inclusive and allow everybody to contribute equally. This is very different from traditional meetings where a few people dominate. They talk but most others don’t. The silent majority doubtless have great things to say, but the process is too painful so they stay silent and you never benefit from their great ideas. Things like eye-contact, being interrupted, moving off the agenda, small talk, starting late or over-running can all make the process distressing to many, such as those who are neurodivergent or highly introverted. They’d love to contribute, but they can’t, so your productivity suffers.

Braided Meetings solves this problem. It is a great tool for diverse teams because everybody gets an equal opportunity to contribute, the meeting effortlessly sticks to the planned agenda and will always finish on time.